Varicose veins and the lower extremities: the symptoms, causes and treatment

According to statistics, every fifth person on the planet suffers from data of the disease. But what is it and how to cope with it? Medical professional of the Baltic clinic ven been able to find the right way to restore the body, using a special medical diagnostic apparatus and equipment in the treatment.

treatment to prevent varicose veins

Varicose veins: childhood disease, especially of manifestations

So the misery of the affected people are already in the antiquity. This is evidenced in writing to Hippocrates, Avicenna and Paracelsus. Doctors of the time tried to combat the defects, but the methods and activities have proven to be unsuccessful.

Varicose veins – this is for sure a pathological expansion of the under the skin veins. Publish a disease not only of the lower extremities, but on the belly, hands and testicular. Varicose veins relates to progressive pathological: when the right time to do something does not take measures to prevent the development defect, then the problem intensified and the aching pain sensations get rid of it is even more difficult. The process of the disease is characterized by the fact that vienna will find themselves overloaded, unable, does not make the blood flow. Feet acquire excessive fatigue and swelling, appears the severity of the stop and the ankles, and regularly even convulsions.

Disease symptoms

That feeling is harbingers in the development of the ailment? There are a lot of symptoms, when prompted, you must immediately seek medical attention:

  • heaviness in the legs, a feeling that the "pads" of the feet;
  • the swelling stop and the ankles (increase in the volume of the foot gastrocnemius part 2 times);
  • regular seizures;
  • what is clear is varicose veins;
  • the burning of "sprockets";
  • trophic skin changes stop and the shins;
  • seal skin places varicose veins;
  • pigmentation, the appearance of the dark dark tone of the skin cover;
  • nagging pain, to feel what does not only lie in the position;
  • the appearance of bruises;
  • the appearance of venous ulcers.

The discomfort, which is going to always be with people, time to grow out of the pain. They finally destroy the sick ability to work and lead to their hospitalization.

Discover that you are a victim of the diseases are quite simple. In the course of development of varicose veins, the structure of the ven loses its elasticity, flexibility, and smart. Finally, the venous vessels reach the top in the sebum covers the bent position, the extended and twisted possible. They are able to see with the naked eye and feel, if touched by the hands. Externally, as the veins become wide, purchased in dark blue or dark green in color. Convoluted blood vessels, particularly below the knee on the back, acquire a shape reminiscent of the clusters.

Varicose veins it is valves lack of perforant veins, which can be of two types:

  1. Primary.
  2. Secondary. Develops during pregnancy, previously found in cirrhosis of the liver.

If the work is of valves, vascular broken, the blood flow into the deeper veins and blood vessels will flow to the superficial, thinner and to weak vein. That's why they swell, stretched and weak. Full normalization work cardiovascular you want to restore all of the diseased veins.

Causes of varicose expansion of

What could lead to such consequences? Global changes in the body of the work, may be due to the following factors:

  1. Obesity. Violation of the functionality of the circulatory system due to fatty replacement of tissue and tension on them inside the establishments.
  2. Pregnancy. The period of gestation of the child often requires addicting hormonal tools to bring back to estrogen and progesterone. Their activity is instantly the subject of the appearance of varicose veins. Function varicose in the pregnant women lies in the fact that after childbirth they can gradually dissolve. Also varicose veins in women in the position where the high volume levels in the body. The uterus is lootega pressure on these veins, which go between the legs. It interferes with the work of the cardiovascular and conducive to the expansion of the veins.
  3. The long-term status in one position. Because of the sedentary and sitting from the lifestyle most often appears varicose veins. Particularly common disease occurs among people of such occupations as teacher, surgeon.
  4. Genetic heredity. Congenital anomalies, vascular the most common cause of the appearance of infringement of the work the veins.
  5. The availability of a past injury to your feet (fractures). Strain, which is derived from the fracture or the bones, often influence the working of the veins and blood vessels. One piece of disrupted blood flow sufficient to make the impetus for the development of varicose veins.
  6. Age-related changes. In the elderly the walls of the veins become weak, the part of the epithelial cells completes 100% complete its task, as a result of which the valves work is disturbed and present the varicose veins.

Modern methods of treatment of varicose veins

treatment of varicose veins

Brightly expressed symptoms must not be overlooked, they need to quickly start in order to solve the problem by implementing modern ways to treat. Aid in recovery, work the cardiovascular system is a modern and professional clinic in the veins.

At the moment the clinics employed the following treatment of varicose veins:

  • conservative;
  • surgical.

Each of them contains a number of software to recover.

Conservative treatment

This kind of treatment directly depends on the stage of the disease development. Patients, who have succumbed to the effects of the disease, however, apply to the early stages of its development, it is possible to pass the restoration of a non-invasive manner. Program this type of treatment includes the following methods:

  1. Medical. The course requires in-depth diagnostic study and determination of the doctor linked to the drug a certain period of time. After the decision of the medicines, the patient re-exam. The results of the diagnostic specialist will decide whether treatment continued or terminated.
  2. Sclerotherapy prevent varicose veins. If you use this method of treatment is the need for special tools. This is a special product, which is included in the syringe suffering varicose a vein. The action of medication, which is characterized by the fact that it related to a dirty vein inside. The expense of this kind of "cheating" the body, the blood starts to go over the whole ship. Suitable for this method of restore is not all the way, such as requiring a certain stage of development of varicose veins, vascular status and situation to the top.
  3. Compression treatment. Recovery option is to implement a special compression of the laundry, which selects only the treating doctor. Pressure is an effective way to non-surgical recovery, and doctors of the Baltic clinic veins begin to professional help for him to use, in order to achieve 100 % healing.

Surgical removal prevent varicose veins

This method of treatment for varicose veins on the legs is still popular, because of the treatment non-invasive way does not always allow forever say goodbye to the disease. Because of the profound the development of the disease, rid of can only be reversible through surgery.

The main indications for use in surgical, operations disorders, in the treatment of varicose veins:

  1. The rapid development of the disease. The display of the stage of the venous ulcer.
  2. Violation of blood outflow.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.
  4. The expansion of subcutaneous veins.
  5. Swelling and high fatigue, of the legs.

Also is a painless procedure, using modern methods

  • Radiofrequency obliteration of the veins. RFO and EVRF allows radio waves on the way to restore the vascular structure from the inside. Surgery clinic used disposable catheters, automatic generators between.
  • SVS – thermal occlusion of pulses of the couple. Way means the treatment of varicose veins, by setting the inside of the vein catheter, through which through the existing holes in the arrived experiences auruvoog. Heated steam allows you to penetrate the most hard to reach areas of the blood vessels and affect the convoluted and deformed vein. After the course of treatment way way is reduced.
  • Surgery Varadi. The most complicated method. Need to remove the patient's vein. The chance of a 100 % effective. Last day the patient can go home. The only requirement: the use of compression tights from surgery.
  • EVLT or laser coagulation of veins. The procedure used to carry out laser. Ray routed to the sick of the vessel, which allows to localize the error. It is necessary to apply local analgesics resources. The procedure does not leave scars, wounds or burns.
  • System venas in the meantime means the complete closure of sick veins on the legs, gluing by means of valves in the blood vessels of a biological glue.

Very often the surgical type of treatment is combined with conservative. After the operation is very often necessary to consolidate the outcome of the implementation of the medicines.

Prevention of varicose veins

That the outcome of treatment of rooted and varicose veins ended his existence, not only requires regular medical stabilize the body's condition, but and diseases prevention of diseases through compliance with the simple rules of reference to the lifestyle.

Doctors claim that it is easier to prevent disease than to treat it. Simple rules of behavior and lifestyle can help prevent varicose veins:

  • Draw up a daily schedule: striping different types of loads to the body. Reduced to a minimum orthostatic loads.
  • The existence of the orthopedic front seats sedentary work at the table.
  • The waiver by pressing and narrow items of clothing and footwear.
  • Implementation of regular Cycling and swimming.
  • Execution of morning and evening loading.
  • Organizing weight (driver-side sets weight consult dietitian).
  • A cool shower.
  • The adoption of a day to 1.5 liters of fluid.

After waiting for a long journey, and which is expressed in the signs of the development of the ailment, take care available for all medications on the road. Soothing gels and ointments are excellent helpers in such events.

Using simple measures, to avoid the pathology, it is possible to not only slow down the development of the ailment. These measures will help to get rid of stress and prevent its progression. Noticed some signs of deterioration in the state of the organism, should be to consult a phlebologist. Modern diagnostic centers allow you to precisely bring out a diagnosis and determine an effective way for his treatment.